The 16-year study involved tracking the movement of 28 stars at the center of the Milky Way using telescopes at the European Southern Observatory in Chile.
Using the data collected, astronomers were able to calculate important properties about the black hole -- called Sagittarius A* -- such as its size and mass.
Professor Reinhard Genzel, who led the study at the Bavaria-based Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, said the data collected proved the existence of the black hole "beyond any reasonable doubt."
"Undoubtedly the most spectacular aspect of our long term study is that it has delivered what is now considered to be the best empirical evidence that super-massive black holes do really exist," said Genzel. The black hole had a central mass concentration of four million solar masses, he added.
The study also enabled astronomers to calculate the distance of the earth from the center of the galaxy, now measured to be 27,000 light-years, and enhanced by six times the accuracy to which they were able to measure the positions of stars -- the equivalent of seeing a one euro coin from a distance of 10,000 kilometers.
銀河の中心には、太陽質量の10*E6~10*E10倍程度の巨大ブラックホール (super-massive black hole) が存在すると考えられており、超新星爆発後は、太陽質量の10倍~50倍のブラックホールが形成すると考えられている。最近、両者の中間の領域(太陽質量の10*E3程度)のブラックホールの存在をうかがわせる観測結果も報告されており、中間質量ブラックホール (intermediate mass black hole; IMBH) と呼ばれている。
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